“I miss cycling and getting fresh air”

This is what we often hear from the older people we meet. Many of them no longer have the physical ability it takes to bike a trip down memory lane, to the park or just a trip around the community to feel that they are still alive. This is how the mission behind Cycling Without Age was made: We want to give older people the opportunity to feel the wind rush through their hair.

The many trishaws around the world are waiting for you to step on the pedals as a pilot and get your older neighbours out to see the world again. You can book a trip online when you have the time, desire and the weather is in our favour because there aren’t any determined timetables. When the trip starts, you and your passengers can decide today’s destination.

If you have strong legs and feel like giving a bicycle ride through the city, to the forest, the waterfront or even down memory lane – then become a pilot with Cycling Without Age. Here, you can make a difference in a rewarding community while meeting new people and even getting some free exercise.

As long as you can ride a bicycle and a desire to help others, then there is plenty of space for you. Our pilots are everyone from directors to senior citizens and students. All chapters worldwide have developed pilot training based on the five guiding principles and under the motto: “Hurry up slowly – turn softly”.

Ride safely
Everyone can learn to ride a rickshaw. If you are experienced on a bicycle or a cargo bike, then you won’t need much practise before you are on the road (or the bike path).

However, there are a few important rules and techniques that you should master before you ride off with passengers.

  • Always cycle slowly respecting the road conditions. Especially on the first couple of trips, you should not be cycling much faster than at walking pace. For the passenger, it feels much faster than it does for the pilot. Choose easier routes the first few rides.
  • When you turn, do so at a very slow pace. Maintain a good balance by not turning too sharply. Lightly lean your body along with the bike when you turn, while gently gripping the brakes with the hand closest to the turn, so you’re prepared to stop.

“Hurry up slowly, turn softly”

Watch the 10 minute Introduction to Volunteering as a Pilot video for a brief overview of the fundamentals of piloting a trishaw

Upcoming Volunteer Trishaw Pilot Trainings